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       The band - formed in the early June of ‘96 in Carei, a Romanian north-western town, made its debut in the fall of the same year by releasing its first album called “Zilele Sunt Nopti” (Days Are Nights). This album, characterized by a melodic pop-rock meant their first appearance on the Romanian music market. Launched at Bucharest, the album contains two songs that became shortly hits in the ROMTOP, one of them being included even on the TOP ROCK MANIA compilation. “O 9 Zi” (A New Day), was the second album of the band - released in August 1998 - was appreciated by the  press, as “being a new current on the Romanian music market: a mix of jazz-pop-rock”. Nowadays the guys are working at their third album.

       Grupul a luat fiinta in luna Iunie 1996 in localitatea Carei urmand ca in toamna aceluiasi an sa debuteze pe piata muzicala cu primul lor album intitulat “Zilele sunt nopti”, genul abordat fiind un pop-rock melodic. Albumul a fost reeditat mai tarziu (Iulie 1997) de catre firma ROTON. Doua dintre melodiile de pe acest album s-au clasat in primele 10 locuri in ROMTOP, iar una dintre acestea (Concertul) a fost inclusa pe compilatia TOP ROCK MANIA. In luna August a anului 1998 apare cel de-al doilea album intitulat   “O 9 Zi”, caracterizat printr-un stil jazz-pop-rock, in presa locala si de specialitate semnalandu-se un nou curent in peisajul muzicii romanesti. Albumul a fost lansat intai in judetul Satu Mare si ulterior la Bucuresti. In prezent, grupul se afla in studiouri, unde lucreaza la realizarea celui de-al treilea album.

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